Important Information

Dear Valued Client,

Below, you’ll find a few of the first in a series of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) published to educate and inform you of the features, benefits, and changes related to the new platform and all you need to know about the conversion process itself. And, while all questions are important, the most pressing is, ‘why are we doing this?’. Simple answer: We want to simplify and demystify the way you work with us so that we can better serve you.

Q: Why is National Advisors undertaking this initiative?

A: The platform conversion initiative is a key component of the company’s strategic growth plan. The need for a new platform was identified after the completion of a comprehensive assessment several years ago. The assessment revealed many opportunities to better align our business solutions with the people, processes, and technologies that deliver them.

Q: When did this initiative start?

A: The strategic initiative started four years ago with a focused effort to improve the foundational components of the platform which included information technology infrastructure, networking, information technology operations, cybersecurity measures, and information technology staffing. After the successful completion of these foundational improvements, the company started the process of migrating data, workflows, processing, accounting to the trust accounting system of record and other integrated sub-systems. This series of projects were completed in preparation for the main effort – the Wealth Management Platform conversion which started on August 1, 2021.

For more details on topics like the big picture, working together, training and other tips, please read our full list of FAQs on our platform conversion landing page.

Also, please review the following important reminders about working with NAT. It covers a few topics like customer service, working with AdvisorDesk, contact information and more.


  • We have one phone number for clients to remember, 877-527-3476. Recently, we implemented enhancements to ensure you can reach the group you need to for assistance (Trust Services or Custody/Asset Services) quickly getting you to the individual or team you need.
  • Requests such as distributions, tax documents, etc.… need to be uploaded through AdvisorDesk. This allows us to process requests in the most efficient manner on your behalf. We ask that you please do not email documents to individuals unless specifically asked by the individual.
  • We will be retiring the “team color” email boxes on August 1st.
    • Trust related questions: contact your Trust Service Administrator or Trust Officer
    • Asset Services/Custody related questions:
    • Operations related questions:
    • General Information:
  • If sending an email, sending it to one person in the TO line is the best course of action. This provides accountability within our organization and allows us to best serve your needs. We request that you please not send to multiple people in the TO line, but CC’ing others is ok.

As always, we appreciate your business, as we appreciate your patience as we continue with this conversion.

National Advisors Trust

Feel free to contact your National Advisors Trust Service Team at 877-527-3476 with any questions.